Ephesians 3:20 “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”
The Friday night after we got home to visit with our girls, our friends decided they wanted a time that we could hug necks and but more importantly, pray. Kevin was hesitant with this idea because he wasn’t at 100% after the 2nd round of chemo the week before and also we didn’t want to be on center stage.
That night, in that small, (air-conditioned) humble barn in Hahira, Georgia, we stood amongst friends and the powerful Holy Spirit to not only proclaim what God had already done, but also asking for mighty prayer for God to do exceedingly and abundantly on all realms with healing for Kevin. We all agreed to stand on what the Bible says as TRUTH and that the Word of God was powerful.
Later that next week, as I went to meet with my older friend for prayer, I told him, “We just want God to show out!”
He said to me as he sat up straight in his chair…
“He already has! Remember His Word?”
That is what we were standing on yesterday as Kevin met with his oncologist at MD Anderson.
God was true to what His Word says, you know….the exceedingly and abundantly part!
The doctor exclaimed, “Your numbers are awesome!”
Kevin’s Alpha Fetoprotein levels before the 2nd round of treatment was 934. Yesterday, it was 16.8! The lymph node mass around his Aorta has shrunk 40-50%!
Can we say INCREDIBLE??
The doctor told Kevin that they had the results from the testicle that they removed back on July 6th and all the cancer cells in there were just DEAD! The first round of treatment killed all of that. Or to put it in a more spiritual sense, God heard all of our prayers from the beginning of June 6th when all this began! His Mercy is great!
To say that we fell before the feet of our Jesus and PRAISED HIS HOLY NAME is an understatement! God is getting the glory for all of this! His hand of protection, healing and provision is more than we could ever imagine!
I also got a good report from my doctor with my Thyroid test. Basically, it had not moved since February…meaning all this fluttering of the heart is due to my body processing stress. The meds are helping with that tremendously!
I had a friend of mine tell me the other day with compassion but boldness, “Amy, you are going to be good. You are a strong woman of faith, but you need to rest.”
We see the light at the end of the tunnel. We are still wearing the shoes with the flashlights on the front that just see right in front of us though. The message is still the same. Baby steps. Only handle today not tomorrow or next week. There is so much truth to all of this even for others not even going through struggles.
Psalm 91:16 says,
“With long life I will satisfy him, and show him my salvation.”
Joseph Prince said, “God’s heart is never for us to suffer crippling illnesses or live a life that’s miserable.”
We have felt comfort in the fact of knowing His truth that says, God not only wants us to have a long life, but He also wants us to have a satisfying life that is full of His Peace, Provision, and Joy.
The word “salvation” in the above scripture in the Hebrew means “Yeshua” which is the name of Jesus. So God wants to satisfy us with a long life that is full of Jesus and His Grace!
This week we are seeing the provision that Jesus made at the cross to redeem us from every curse of sickness. We are giving him thanks for His Provision and Healing.
Kevin and Walt (his friend that is with him this week) were discussing yesterday about the story of the man who brought his demon possessed son to be healed by the disciples and they were unable to do it. This story can be found in Mark 9:14-29.
Jesus asked the father to bring the boy to Him. He said to the father, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”
There is something so huge in this scripture that I think God is wanting His Body to realize.
In this passage Jesus tells us that “believing” is the condition for answered prayer for a healing. The father of the demon-possessed boy answered in tears, “I believe” then added, “Help my unbelief!”
Our unbelief holds us back. It holds back all that Jesus can actually do in the supernatural.
No matter how spiritually mature we are, we still doubt. We need to ask God to take over that unbelief and allow our belief in Him to prevail.
Not sure if any of this is making sense…I hope to someone it is. God is moving in ways like I have never seen before. I love it!
Here is a song that we heard about one month ago when it was first released. It just speaks volumes to our Praises! I pray it blesses you!
Pray for Kevin’s strength and endurance as this round 3 of chemo goes through his body. Pray for comfort.
Pray for small things of insurance, shots, nausea and his TV to work in the room that Kevin is in.
Pray for me as I gain my strength back.
Praising His Holy Name!